About Mercedes Calderon aka The Mystic Next Door

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I am a 21st century mystic living next door. I journey through my life just like everyone else, while vigorously nurturing my "Friend", "The Guest" that took residence in my heart in 1985 when I was initiated into the paths of Siddha Yoga and Reiki (Usui tradition). Prior to that, I remember having so many unanswered questions when I first began having mystical experiences at the beginning of my spiritual practice. The Mystic Next Door is intended to create an inclusive space where people at all stages along the spiritual journey can enter, find answers and share wisdom. Mystical experiences are by definition, "being beyond one's power to know, understand, or explain" -Merriam-Webster. You are invited to join in the joy of discovering who we truly are. Peace and Blessings, Mercedes Calderon

Friday, April 20, 2012

~We are all painters~

Once, in a meditation during an Intensive, I found myself walking to a great outdoor space. There, I could see the back of a gigantic canvas, the size of a wall in a Manhattan loft. Sensing that some type of activity was going on, I turned the corner out of great curiosity.
There, I found my meditation Master painting on the canvas in the most exquisite colors not seen here on earth. As I looked closer, I saw that it was my life she was painting! I got excited......
Suddenly the thought came to me that I would ask her how the painting would turn out . I asked without words, and the answer I received was also without words.

"These are the colors of your life. By your choices the painting is complete. Not even God knows what colors to choose."

God, in the form of my teacher kept on painting......

"What colors are you painting your life today?"

Copyright 2012 by Mercedes Calderon. All rights reserved. This material may be copied and distributed subject to inclusion of this copyright notice and my blog themysticnextdoor.blogspot.com

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