About Mercedes Calderon aka The Mystic Next Door

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I am a 21st century mystic living next door. I journey through my life just like everyone else, while vigorously nurturing my "Friend", "The Guest" that took residence in my heart in 1985 when I was initiated into the paths of Siddha Yoga and Reiki (Usui tradition). Prior to that, I remember having so many unanswered questions when I first began having mystical experiences at the beginning of my spiritual practice. The Mystic Next Door is intended to create an inclusive space where people at all stages along the spiritual journey can enter, find answers and share wisdom. Mystical experiences are by definition, "being beyond one's power to know, understand, or explain" -Merriam-Webster. You are invited to join in the joy of discovering who we truly are. Peace and Blessings, Mercedes Calderon

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

The Mystic Next Door moves in!

A  few months ago I decided to create The Mentoring Spirit on Facebook so I could connect with a community of  seekers with whom I could mutually share and discuss the day to day mystical life. 

What I learned from Facebook is that the experience I am looking for is more blog oriented, so that's how The Mystic Next Door came to be. I am also writing a book, which as of today contains one section of a chapter. I have given myself a deadline of one year from April 1st 2012 to have a completed manuscript. I expect to solicit personal experiences from people of all paths that relates to the mystical journey, and how these experiences build faith and provide encouragement on our journey through life.

I invite you to enter into a conversation meant to inspire and enhance our enthusiasm for the paths we've chosen for ourselves. As I say in my about me; I have no intention of arguing positions on belief systems. I believe all paths lead us to our highest destination, and if you resonate with this......I welcome you with Love.
Copyright 2012 by Mercedes Calderon. All rights reserved. This material may be copied and distributed subject to inclusion of this copyright notice and my blog themysticnextdoor.blogspot.come.  

Visit my facebook page and feel free to LIKE it.


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