About Mercedes Calderon aka The Mystic Next Door

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I am a 21st century mystic living next door. I journey through my life just like everyone else, while vigorously nurturing my "Friend", "The Guest" that took residence in my heart in 1985 when I was initiated into the paths of Siddha Yoga and Reiki (Usui tradition). Prior to that, I remember having so many unanswered questions when I first began having mystical experiences at the beginning of my spiritual practice. The Mystic Next Door is intended to create an inclusive space where people at all stages along the spiritual journey can enter, find answers and share wisdom. Mystical experiences are by definition, "being beyond one's power to know, understand, or explain" -Merriam-Webster. You are invited to join in the joy of discovering who we truly are. Peace and Blessings, Mercedes Calderon

Monday, April 30, 2012

A call to "A gathering of Tribes".

Inside each one of us lies a dream, unfulfilled.

The image that comes to mind is a day I spent in Central Park at a "Be-In" in 1967. Does anyone remember Be-In's?
The counterculture that was born around the time of the San Francisco "Human Be-In" in 1967, spawned Be-In's all over the country that spring, and into "The Summer of Love", encouraging people to "question authority". Remember or heard that phrase before? This questioning of authority, or as we also like to say, "Who's they?", brought about various underground media outlets that showcased the voices of the new women's, civil and consumer right's movements, as well as music specific to those events.
This is the time of my life when I first became aware of my dreams. I was 15, my mother was still alive, and I was lying on the grass in Central Park, smelling the grass (I'll leave you to figure out which one), and FEELING the POWER of LOVE! The power of humanity, a resonating sea of consciousness, all dreaming the same dream. At the age of 15, I was in awe of the possibility of invoking a massive change to the "powers that be" simply by the sheer number of spirits gathered in one place for a cause(s).
The "Human Be-In" was produced and organized by artist Michael Bowen as a "gathering of tribes". The event was announced by the Haight-Ashbury's own psychedelic newspaper, the San Francisco Oracle in this way:

"A new concept of celebrations beneath the human underground must emerge, become conscious, and be shared, so a revolution can be formed with a renaissance of compassion, awareness, and love, and the revelation of unity for all mankind."

What an intention that was, and now we have come full circle as evidenced by the "Gathering of Tribes", in the overthrowing of their corrupt governments. But most importantly, we are now reaching a critical mass of people for whom compassion, awareness, love and the dream of unity consciousness has become a dream fulfilled; encouraged and supported by the Cyberspace community at large. My simple dream back in 1967, looking up at the sky was this.... "May I always remember to feel the immense love I feel at this moment". My dream has come to fruition on many levels. My quest inspires me to keep going and to not stop until I reach the consistent state of Love.

What dream do you have, and has it been fulfilled? If not, what will you do to promote your dream on earth?

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